
This blog is really the ramblings of a relatively normal 18 year old about her relatively normal life. There’s nothing ground-breaking, or earth-shattering or breath-taking about it. If anything, it’s honest. It’s normal. It’s not trying to be something it’s not.

I have been finally convinced that perhaps this about page should let people know who I am.

Well, as mentioned I am 18 years old. I am a migrant from Northern Ireland. I now live with my family in South Australia. I have a rare genetic bone disease, one of two people known to have the disease in Australia- the other person is my dad. Lucky us. I was born with moderate to severe deafness. I hate any assumptions made based on my hearing aids- although I love the child that asked me if they were solar powered (no, but that would be cool). I am a volunteer, with ‘disadvantaged’ children and unaccompanied minors- or asylum seekers. I hate the term boat people. I am fiercely dedicated to the underdog at almost any opportunity. I love people, especially children. I am incredibly busy and I hate having time on my hands. The more difficult and inconceivable something is, the more likely I am to enjoy it. I love the stories of people I meet; much in the way others collect books, photos, mementos and ticket stubs. I collect people.

These things do not necessarily make me who I am, but they are reflected in my writing. Thank you for taking the time to stop and read!

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